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Kyungsuk Jung, MD

Dr Jung Headshot

Dr. Jung is a hematologist oncologist with a special interest in treating lymphoma/leukemia and breast cancer. Having worked as a hospitalist and as a fellow at comprehensive cancer centers, his work experience encompasses both inpatient and outpatient cancer care. Dr. Jung believes that this unique experience broadened his clinical insight and enhanced his skills to prevent or ameliorate cancer-related symptoms.

Before commencing his career in oncology, Dr. Jung studied epidemiology/biostatistics and developed an interest in environmental carcinogens. He recently published a case series on a number of patients who developed cancers at young ages after exposure to groundwater chemical contamination in Camp Lejeune.

When asked why he became a hematologist/oncologist, Dr. Jung replied: “It’s because of the plethora of academic activities. There are always new updates in this field which will never leave you bored. However, as I accumulated more experience as a care provider, I enjoyed getting to know more about my patients and developing personal relationships with them. It truly is a privilege allowed to doctors to be able to have a heart-to-heart talk with their patients even though they have not known each other for very long.”

Outside of work Dr. Jung enjoys walking or biking in nature with his wife and two kids as well as spending time in meditation and decluttering his mind.



